★ With watermark app you can easily create your own copyright image. Create watermark, signature maker, signature text...on your photos right from your phone.
"FREE watermark app, Signature creator" has feature:
✍ With more than 100 fonts, you have more options to design signature, signature creator your own unique patterns.
✍ Photo signatures help you create your own signature and then add to your photos easily
✍ After creating the signature and adding in the image, you can use the resulting image to set as a phone wallpaper, expressing your own style.
✍ You can add logo to photo, logo you can choose from your phone, through the photo selection feature from the app's photo gallery
✍ Add watermark to photo (You can create watermark with text, sticker, logo ... as you like)
✍ Support handwriting drawing signature.
✍ Font options to style your signature, design your own signature. Create unique signature templates with your own style
✍ For maximum protection, your custom watermark can be automatically tiled across the entire image.
✍ Signature maker to my name
✍ You can adjust or place your signature by pinching, dragging, zooming and rotating your signature with the help of two fingers. No need pen and ink to create cool and stylish signature. This signature generator allows you to create a signature from text and beyond with a drawing tool
✍ Create watermark easily, with many different beautiful font style options.
👉 With this watermark application, many of you have questions: "how to watermark photos":
✍ With the watermark feature, you can: watermark logo, watermark text, signature watermark, watermark ... easily
★The signature generator app will run on any Android mobile device or tablet to create cool and awesome signatures.
Watermark picture, signature photo app start protecting your content today.
Download the Signature photo - Watermark picture app now for your phone:
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